

  • Artistic Discovery Project, United States Embassy in Benin
  • “One Artist, One Week” Project, Public Workshop for CM1-A Students, EFE MONTAIGNE, Cotonou, Benin
  • Collective Exhibition_Perspective#2, LE CENTRE Cultural Space, Abomey-Calavi, Benin
  • Creative Residency at Village des Arts in AGBODRAFO, Togo
  • Mural Art Project: “On the Road to the Convents” by the National Agency for the Development and Promotion of Art and Tourism in Benin – PRESIDENCY OF BENIN


  • Creative Residency at VILLA KARO_Project: Villa Karo Public Challenge, Grand-Popo, Benin
  • Collective Exhibition at VILLA KARO, Grand-Popo, Benin
  • Creative Residency / International Artist Residency GAMESU (RIAG-AGGOUE 2022), Agoue, Benin
  • “Planters Painting Project” at the United States Embassy, Cotonou, Benin


  • Permanent Exhibition: “Women and Slavery” – John Smith International Cultural Meeting Center (CCRI) in Ouidah, Benin, and Les Anneaux de la Mémoire, Nantes, France
  • 22nd Virtual Art-Show-2021: Universal Confraternization, Norway
  • Collective Exhibition of the SPECIAL COVID-19 BOULEV’ART at the French Institute in Cotonou, Benin
  • Collective Exhibition of the SPECIAL COVID-19 BOULEV’ART at the Ste Cécile Intersection, Cotonou, Benin


  • COVID-19. In-situ Residency on the SPECIAL BOULEV’ART TO FIGHT COVID-19, Le Centre, Lobozounkpa, Benin
  • Online Art Sale, Testi Records
  • Collective Exhibition for Black History Month Africa – Africa Mondo, Benin